A Non-Profit One Step Ahead in Social Service; Fundraising

When we talk about social service, first thing comes to our mind is a financial help because, without money, it is difficult to support any victim or patient. Thus, non-profit organisations put their step ahead in human support through fundraising. They make a team of some energetic people, who keen to work for human support. After this, they target crowded places like major railway stations, junction points in the high street markets to collect funds with courteous requests to explain why they are raising funds. These non-profit organisations mainly collect funds for cancer patients, tragedy victims like earthquakes, floods, and fosters etc. These kinds of supportive ideas come into those minds who have human respect and who give their life to social service, called as philanthropists. There are a number of famous stars, businessmen like Carl Kruse, Warren Buffett, Warren families and celebrities who always come front to support public through fundraising and charities. 

When a person become rich and famous, by god grace he starts doing something by which he could help people or the creation of God. It comes to mind of a person that he should come front for human help. From small earnings to big funds, the process go ahead and a team is formed, then an organisation developed and a person becomes a philanthropist like Carl Kruse. This is a famous personality, who always worked and put his efforts to support God’s wonderful creation, human being, and his sustenance. There are a number of famous faces in the US, who never hide their face in doing charity, whether they are Hollywood stars or business tycoons.

If you do fundraising in human support, the government also put his efforts in it, as they give you tax support. There is 0% deduction of tax from the charity funds. The whole you collect goes to help victims and patients. Once you start fundraising, you go on and on into this, you feel blessings and happiness. It gives you full satisfaction of mind, you feel you did something by which could be food and medicines and could life better life. 

Some people think, this fundraising is not worthful and does not put their offering into the charity box, as it is for the support. But when you enter into this you feel, how funds, clothes, food, and medicine are collected and supplied to those areas, where people wait for those hands, who will give them a feed for their sustenance. Famous families like Warren, Junior, and Senior Carl Kruse, Bill Gates etc., and many others who feel relaxed after adding their share in the name of charity. They have built organisations to collect funds and other things to support victims, patients and fosters. 

Hence, if you have something in your mind to give your share to support people then put one step ahead to support the beautiful creation of God. You will get millions of blessings.


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