
3 Main Challenges Faced By Young Entrepreneurs While Starting Business When anyone starts his business first time, he feels many challenges as he is new in this field. Here, it does not matter much in the initial step, how much educated you are. If you are starting your own business and you are young, then you should have some experience by working as a trainee first under any experienced person because business all depends upon the experience like how you handle the things, how you make decisions, how you resolve issues etc., according to Carl Kruse . Here we discuss 3 main challenges which are mainly faced by young entrepreneurs when they step into business for the first time. Financial Issue This is a major issue which is faced by everyone in the initial days of his startup. But in the case of young entrepreneurs, the situation is quite different and difficult also if you do not belong to a rich class blend. Normally we see, youngsters do not think much before doing anyth

Why Rich Class Are Interested In Charity, Do They Do It For Publicity?

It has been seen all the times, wherever charity events and fundraising events occur, the rich or famous people always come ahead and put their share with extra zeros in the amount to help the needy ones for them the charity events launched. According to Carl Kruse , charity or fundraising is a unique way by which we can give ourselves a satisfaction that we helped someone who has no money, no clothes and no food. If we focus on the famous personalities and business class people who always come front and be a part of that charity event, then a question comes to our mind, why they only put extra? Do they come front to get publicity only?. We also think like this, if these famous personalities will put the highest share in the charity, they will do this to come at the top in the news headlines. To help someone is a good thing, as it is mentioned in the bible also, in which Jesus also said “if you will help my people I will shower all the happiness and prosperity on you and will open

A Non-Profit One Step Ahead in Social Service; Fundraising

When we talk about social service, first thing comes to our mind is a financial help because, without money, it is difficult to support any victim or patient. Thus, non-profit organisations put their step ahead in human support through fundraising. They make a team of some energetic people, who keen to work for human support. After this, they target crowded places like major railway stations, junction points in the high street markets to collect funds with courteous requests to explain why they are raising funds. These non-profit organisations mainly collect funds for cancer patients, tragedy victims like earthquakes, floods, and fosters etc. These kinds of supportive ideas come into those minds who have human respect and who give their life to social service, called as philanthropists. There are a number of famous stars, businessmen like   Carl Kruse , Warren Buffett, Warren families and celebrities who always come front to support public through fundraising and charities.   When a